1996年生まれ。大阪大学ではアバターやエージェントを用いた新しいコミュニケーションの研究に取り組む。2025年大阪・関西万博では大阪パビリオンのディレクターとして「未来のバーチャルビーイング」の展示を統括する。大阪大学と科学技術振興機構の共同研究プロジェクトである未来社会デザインに係る調査研究の研究代表者も務める。大阪商工会議所 未来社会創成委員会 座長、日本SF作家クラブ会員ほか。2021年にはムーンショット型研究開発事業の調査研究でチームリーダーを務めた。2022年に日本オープンイノベーション大賞文部科学大臣賞を受賞。Forbes JAPAN 30 UNDER 30 2023に選出。
Born in 1996. Mr. Sakuma has been engaged in the research on the new form of communication using avatars and agents at Osaka University. At Expo 2025 Osaka, Kansai, Japan, he is in charge of the exhibition "Future Virtual Being" as a director of Osaka Pavilion. He is also a principal investigator of the research on the design of future societies, a joint research project between Osaka University and the Japan Science and Technology Agency. In addition to his current position as a chairperson of Shape New World Committee, Osaka Chamber of Commerce and Industry and he is also a member of Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of Japan. In 2021, he was appointed as a team leader for a research study on the Moonshot Research and Development Program. He was selected as one of the Forbes 30 Under 30 Japan 2023 and is a recipient of the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Award of the Japan Open Innovation Prize.